What is EAP?
The Buffalo State Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a confidential information, assessment, and referral service available to all New York State employees, retirees, and their family members. EAP is designed to help employees cope with personal issues that affect their lives and may intrude upon their jobs such as emotional stress, family disintegration, financial or legal difficulties, alcoholism or drug abuse, and marital disruption. These issues not only harm an employee’s personal life, but also impair workplace productivity. EAP was formed with the knowledge that such problems can be addressed and treated with appropriate and relevant help. All contacts with EAP are strictly confidential.
The New EAP Promotional Video is now available
Seeking Wellness Volunteers
Do you have a talent, expertise, or skill that you are willing to share with the Buffalo State community? EAP is seeking volunteers to facilitate a workshop or session for campus faculty and staff. Please contact EAP with your wellness related topic and availability and we will do the rest! Topics or activities may include parenting, finances, child and elder care, managing stress, yoga, Pilates, dance. If you are willing to donate your talents or would like to make a suggestion, please contact Suzanne Johnson.